Thursday 29 January 2015

Let It Go: 6 Action Steps You Can Take To Help You “Let It Go”

Let It Go: 6 Action Steps You Can Take To Help You “Let It Go”

breakup-like-a-man-660x400Let it go. That’s where I’m at. How about you? Let it go. The things that are not in my control, the things that are not mine to make a decision on, LET IT GO.
So much time, effort, and energy are spent on things we have no control over. It can weigh you down, make you angry, and put your mood in the pits. Here are some of the things we do when we hold on to certain situations that we should just let go:
Fuss and fight
Get angry
Hold a grudge
Become down, sad or depressed
Here are 6 actions steps you can take to help you let it go:
1. Make a decision that whatever it is will no longer have a hold on you.

2. Write down action steps to move you forward and keep you on track.

3. Look at the circumstance and be honest about the truth of the situation.

4. Keep your mind centered on good thoughts that lift your spirit.

5. Get around people, things, or activities that make you smile.

6. Do the self work to stay in a place of joy.

Making the step to let go of things you cannot change may be easy for some but it can also be a challenge, a work, and a process. Be kind to yourself. Take the time needed to work the process. However, be consistent and not give up.
Writing down an action plan will help you to stay on course. Put it in your electronic device and refer to it often. Tape it on your mirror, so you see it each morning. Throughout the day keep your mind centered on good things. Write down a positive declaration if that helps and say it often. Allow yourself to move through the nervousness and grief that may come with letting go.
I am no psychologist or therapist but a person like you who has had to work through some “stuff” and let some things go. The 6 steps above helped me to do just that. I hope they are beneficial to you as well.

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